As probably most of You know, furniture which we produce, are available in standard 16 colours from RAL palette, and therefore they can match every room. However, in this article we will not dwell on possibilities how to arrange our furniture, but we will introduce You to some basic information about colours and paints which we use. Below you may find MALOW standard RAL palette

Obviously, all colours from RAL palette are also available – at extra charge. We use powder coating. Their main advantages are:
- Easy application,,
- Lack of damp patches of flowing paints, which are common for liquid paints,
- A wide range of colours,
- Non-flammability – confirmed by Classification regarding reaction to fire in compliance with EN 13501-1:2007,
- Lack of TGIC (Triglycidylisocyanurate) content and heavy metals,
- Possibility of contact with food – confirmed by Hygienic Certificate for paints and some other products. (Triglycidylisocyanurate) i metali ciężkich,
- możliwość kontaktu z żywnością – poświadczona atestem higienicznym na farby i na niektóre wyroby
Powder coating may also be divided according to the type of painted surface into the following groups:
- Epoxy: cof high resistance, applied on daily use objects, which require additional protection against chemicals, e.g. computers, household appliances;
- Polyester:of high resistance to weather conditions, applied outside e.g. on windows and doors, garden furniture, satellite dishes;
- epoxy-polyester: of high resistance against heat, applied on household appliances, due to contact with food.
It should be mentioned that after painting with coat paint, surface is smooth and the paint itself is evenly applied. It allows for easy wash. The paints belong to the group of the most eco-friendly ones, what is of high importance nowadays. In their composition there are no solvents, so they do not evaporate into the atmosphere, protecting the ozone layer of our atmosphere. As you can see, the range of colours and the type of paints make metal furniture produced by MALOW ideal equipment of every space both at home and in an office, where you can freely arrange it with traditional wooden furniture.