What connects Malow furniture with Volvo?
The answer is welding technology, used to join steel elements together. Metal furniture that is to serve for years must be carefully made, because functionality and safety are at stake. Serial welding is more effective than self-assembly. This is due to many factors.
Welding over twisting
First of all - the welding process is carried out in the Malow factory with the highest standards. This is confirmed by certificates of compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 standards. This means that it is carried out in series - in accordance with detailed instructions and in accordance with strict quality rules. The entire process of creating furniture is controlled and meticulously checked. Each time, assembly begins with the selection of appropriate technical documentation. Before the cabinet goes to the assembly table, it is necessary to prepare the workplace. Every tool and piece of furniture has its place. Then, the individual parts of the wardrobe are sent to the workshop in the right order.
The order is important - the procedure has been planned to ensure the best access to the welding surface at each stage. Finally, before the wardrobe goes to the paint shop, the quality is controlled. The fitter, like in a 20th-century Toyota factory, watches his work to make sure that the product is perfect, free of the slightest defects. The cabinet is measured, right angles and weld surfaces are checked. Thus prepared, it leaves the assembly station and continues its journey along the production line, to soon become a full-fledged, stable and long-lived Malowa utility product. Our factory uses robots that perform the entire process automatically. We wrote about them in the previous post.
"It's a finished product - you get what you ordered and enjoy your stable, perfectly assembled furniture for many years!"
Metal cabinets, just like cars, should be assembled by specialists to serve for a long time, reliably and safely. After all, you wouldn't want a DIY car, so why would you choose a component wardrobe? Bet on complete, i.e. assembled, high-quality products from Malow - choose wisely, once and for all.
Cabinets assembled from a package are exposed to looseness at the joints. Elements joined with sheet metal screws using a screwdriver will work under load, and the holes in which the screws are screwed will develop. Assembling the cabinet while maintaining all right angles and deviations of less than 0.5 mm is unrealistic in home conditions with the use of a screwdriver. Even the best assembled DIY wardrobe will not withstand the test of time and the load it is supposed to carry.

Precisely welded and securely packed
At every stage of the production of Malowa furniture, their quality is controlled. Painted cabinets must be secured for transport so that they reach their future owner intact. In our factory, we pay attention to every detail, which is why even the packing of cabinets is done serially! All this so that the furniture from the Malowa factory represents the highest quality and attention to detail. Thanks to this, Malowa products are exactly what you see in the catalog.
Metal furniture for self-assembly with screws offers much less stability, quality and durability compared to complete, i.e. assembled products. Imagine how much damage you can cause when trying to replicate the effect of the work of a super-precise robot programmed by specialists with a screwdriver. Bet on the highest quality, put on ready-made, solid Malow solutions.
Furniture you can rely on Malowa furniture is a product you can rely on.
They are durable and prove every day that metal furniture can be beautiful.
,,Malow's furniture makes the best impression live. I had to check it out. I admit that I would not dare to climb on any other wardrobe of the competition, especially one assembled by myself with a few sheet metal screws. Taking these photos of me standing on Malow's wardrobe, I was just sure that the structure would hold a grown man holding… Another such wardrobe!”
Equip yourself with Malowa furniture and see for yourself what the highest quality is in the world of metal furniture.
Remember about reliable Malow solutions dedicated to schools.
Visit the landing page of the School Action and learn more! If you haven't yet seen the adventures of a group of school friends in a school equipped with Malow furniture, you can find the first episode below! From the previous post you will learn why it is worth CHOOSE WISELY, ONCE AND RIGHT.