Sightseeing is easier today
You can always walk or take a taxi, but the first way is tiring and the second is very expensive. 5 years ago the carsharing application offered me an electric scooter as an alternative to renting a car. One ride was enough to convince me.5 years ago the carsharing application offered me an electric scooter as an alternative to renting a car. One ride was enough to convince me. Sightseeing the Krakow market on an electric scooter turned out to be an ideal solution for an avid tourist who wants to see as much as possible in the shortest time.
Invasive spiecies
Until recently, the electric scooter was considered an exotic, even extravagant means of transport. Nowadays they are not surprising - they are common in big and small towns. Companies that have decided to rent them by minutes are experiencing a real boom. The truth is that the electric scooter market is based on direct customers and those available per minute account for only 10% of the number of scooters in Poland.
Charge up yourself
UTO market is transforming. Starting from the very first scooters that had to be repaired by oneself, until today, where the market has matured and began to express the need for comprehensive equipment service. Just look at the Google Trends chart - it shows the frequency of searching for selected phrases on Google. The phrase "electric scooters" is marked in blue, followed by red electric bike and yellow electric scooter. At first glance, scooters are much more sought after. Please note that this is not a one-time purchase so the user base is growing.
I had learned to explore with scooter
I always take my scooter with me. I fold the rudder and put it in the trunk next to the bags and suitcases. On the spot, I just pull out the scooter and go.
Brilliant in its simplicity. Sightseeing on a scooter requires route planning - there are still no public places with battery charging stations. Even the best scooters have a limited range - sometimes they need to be recharged during the trip. Fortunately for me, I usually manage to convince the staff of roadside cafes to let me connect my UTO to one of their sockets. There is nothing to hide - it is problematic and I know very well that I bend certain rules of hygiene and savoir vivre. I miss a place to charge the scooter during trips and general everyday use.
Charge the battery with MALOW furniture
The popularity of electric scooters is growing, at the end of 2020, there were over 300,000 of them in Poland. This number may have doubled in the past two years! In Europe, these figures are much higher. There is still a shortage of public places where our UTO’s batteries can be recharged (including bicycles and electric scooters). Malow offers battery charging cabinets! They are available for outdoor charging (IP 54 class) and indoor charging. While exploring with scooter, I noticed many places where battery charging stations should be built.
- Petrol stations – not only car drivers stop for coffee and a quick hot dog. The charging point for scooters and electric bikes at the petrol station is a must-have. We should remember about travellers who want to charge their UTO transported in cars.
- Restaurants and food outlets along the excursion routes – often savouring coffee ordered in a roadside cafe, I imagined the battery of my scooter charging at the time I am drinking coffee. I would even come up with catchy marketing slogans for them if only an empty cup equalled a full battery. The same applies to campsites.
- Concierge at workplaces – if I can use a scooter for sightseeing, it is just as good as an alternative to a car for everyday commuting. Certainly, many employees would decide to come to work on a scooter, if they could leave their UTO safe, plugged into the electricity. Similarly, this solution will work well in closed housing estates.
- Scooter service - there are still no scooter charging points in Poland. It does look like a possibility. The battery cabinet will pass the service test - it will ensure safe storage and charging of batteries for serviced scooters.
- Battery charging point – charging points for batteries for scooters and bicycles are already established at most important facilities in big cities. Keep it up! While visiting Olivia Sky in Gdańsk, I found such a charging point for UTO batteries near the parking lot. Great! I'm waiting for more and in every city!!!
Below you will find catalogue cards of battery charging cabinets manufactured by Malow. When choosing furniture from Malow, remember that you can choose from 16 RAL colours as standard!
2022_09_SZLB_EN.pdf 2022_01_szafa-do-ladowania-akumulatorow-rowerowych-ip44-en.pdf