Despite their doubts, children followed Michael. Firstly, they went to the cloakroom to take advantage of a moment of privacy and to eye found set of keys.
"Why does he need so many keys if the cabinets require codes?"
"When I lost my code, given by my mom, our form mistress opened the cabinet with the special master key". Children looked at each other and Adalbert continued "Which is why we shouldn’t use it and we have to give it back to Mr. Zygmunt the janitor."
"Let’s Listen Adalbert! Why do you need those keys?!" Sofie took the side of her friend Adalbert.
"Do you know how Columbus discovered India?" – told Charles, skinny, black haired guy, Michael's best friend.
"He discovered America, not India." Explained Michael. "He named natives as 'Indian people'" because he had no idea where exactly he was”
"Following the footsteps of the great explorers we also should go into the unknown. We should explore India or America or something much more exciting, something what was never dreamed by other kids!" Charles was talking, and he felt as the real Ferdynand Magellan. "Let’s imagine what a treasures are hidden in school’s undergrounds… Maybe we will find all of those ping- pong balls which were confiscated from us!" Kids seemd to be interested in the idea, so he continued "Follow me! I will explain you everything on the way." Kids were heading to cloakroom with hope to find the entrance to the undergrounds.
Objective has been localizated. According to Michael’s observations the entrance was between cloackrooms of 6A and 5B class. They saw as Zygmunt the janitor was using this doors . The lack of physical lock meant that none of the keys will fit to the door.
Michael picked up the keys and carefully touched the door with the pendant. Children heard short sound of the rising bolt. “Magic” Told shortly Michael.
"We are coming in." He came in first, and kids followed him. The last one closed the door.
"Flashligt" Charles pulled out the pen with torch.
"What a labirynth… Let’s find the light switch!" After just a while one of the kids found the switch. The room lit up and kids saw dozens of steel cabinets which were waiting to arrange them.
"It looks like just like a treasury" – speculated Charles. "The future treasury! Mom always asks where cash from school contributions is kept. Now I know, it is stored here!"
"How can you explain those solid cabinets over here? They are so reliable that can be used only in treasury! Look at those locks, there is no chance to open them with magic!"
"Are you not interested in those football balls?" After Adalbert asked the question, kids heard the sound of steps heading closer and closer from the undergrounds. Zygmunt the janitor came into the room.
"What are you doing kids?"
"We came here to give you back the keys which you lost on our English lesson!" Started Sofie "We had to spend a while to find you…" Short exchange of glances was enough for kids to understand each other and Michael gave back the keys to Zygmunt the janitor.
"It is kind of you, but don’t you think it could be better if you gave the keys to your supervisor teacher? It could be safer."
"It’s not big deal" Michael told. "As you can see, we managed with that. As we are just here. Please, told us what is going to be stored in this treasury?"
"Treasury? Kids, this is not a treasury!" Zygmunt the janitor stared to laugh.
"Those cabinets are our school’s new furniture! Can you see? There are a lot of different cabinets! Those colourful you have already known, they stand in your cloackrooms." He pointed to the rear rows of cabinets. "There are cabinets which will be mounted in other classrooms and secretariats. You can keep there books, documents, tests, school supplies and much, much more and what is more, you can keep all these things safe with these solid locks."
"Trolleys intended for charging laptops, we know them!" – Kids told as an chorus.

"Yeah…" In that moment Mr. Zygmunt the janitor reminded himself the circumstances when the keys were lost. Then he added "And here in front of us are janitor’s cabinets. Thanks to these lockers, I will be able to keep and storage cleaning supplies on each floor and I will not have to go down to the basement every time I need cloth or new floor cleaner." Zygmunt was able to tell stories for the whole day but their conversation was interrupted with school bell.
"We have to go! We are supposed to be in class before our supervisor come."
"I’ve got an idea." The janitor showed them the back door of his workhouse. "Can you see this door? You need to came in, switch the light on the right and then head to the top. When you see no more stairs, it means you need to use the doors, and then go to your classroom!"
Kids set off immediately. They were running on stairs, but they should not do it. They were going upstairs very fast. At last they went to the top. They went to the corridor and the first sight they met was their principal teacher.
"How did you get here? What were you doing overthere? It is better for you to have a really good explanation, before you go to the class. However, firstly follow me to my office."
Kids were following the principal. They imagined what kind of consequences they can expect. They started to look for reason of such unfortunate circumstances.
to be continued...
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